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Content Swarm Help

Frequently Asked Questions
Ella Cohen
Updated 8 months ago

1. What is Swarm?

A Swarm is a group of people who have decided to join forces to get more engagement on LinkedIn.

Essentially, once you join a Swarm, people from that Swarm will automatically like and comment on your LinkedIn post so your post will reach much more people!

Sure you can leverage your LinkedIn content and 10x a reach.

Keep Growing!  

2. Is it possible to add one post on multiple swarms?

At any one time you can post in a particular swarm only.

3. Which LinkedIn posts can be posted on Content Swarm?

You can post two types of LinkedIn Posts:
1. Your own posts.
2. Posts of the pages that you are admin

4. How to change a Linked In account on Content Swarm?

If you want to change your account on Content Swarm you have to follow these steps:

1. Log out from your current LinkedIn account

2. Once Logged Out, sign in with another LinkedIn account

5. How to join Swarm?

Using the Invitation code you got from your friend or colleague you can join Swarm. (When you get permission to join a swarm you enter the 6-letter code and are included in it.)

6. How to create a swarm?

Go to My Swarm from the Menu available on the left and then top right you will see +, there you can create a swarm.

Then you will receive a 6-letter invitation code and using this code you can invite anyone to join your swarm.

7. How to invite people to your swarm?

Inviting people to your pod is a great way to get more engagement to your post and you can do this by sharing an invitation code with them.

8. How to help people easier find your swarm on Content Swarm?

By Exploring Swarms available from the menu Explore swarm in our application.

Still Confused ?

Our support team will help you out. Reach out to us at support@contentswarm.io

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